Onward! A Legacy Foundation, in our dedication to the philanthropic health of Southwest Colorado, is opening our enhancement grant cycle for another year. 18 years of careful work and dedication has created a foundation where investors can easily and safely make philanthropic donations to investment funds which grow and provide income for non-profit efforts, Onward! continues to enrich the four corners community.
The grant cycle for Onward! will open on September 1 and close October 15. Questions may be directed to grants@onwardfoundation.org.
Short-term (maximum 1 year) grants ranging from $500 to $3000 are disbursed to grant awardees. Four additional grant fund partners participate in the grant cycle to raise the level of giving.
In 2024, Onward! was able to fully or partially fund grant applications from 34 non-profit organizations. Grant winners included:
- Battle Rock Charter School
- Community Connections
- Community Radio Project KSJD
- Cortez BMX
- Cortez Fire Protection District
- Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
- DARE To Be You
- Dolores Family Project
- Dolores Watershed Collaborative
- Dove's Nest Early Care and Education Center
- Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering
- Four Corners Child Advocacy Center
- Four Corners Community Band
- Galloping Goose Historical Society of Dolores, Inc.
- Heart to Heart
- Hospice of Montezuma
- In The Weeds Co
- Indigenous Wellbriety Program
- K-9 Search and Rescue Team
- La Plata Family Centers Coalition
- Mancos Creative District
- Montezuma Leadership Network
- Montezuma-Cortez High School Band Boosters
- Reaching Out to Community and Kids (ROCK)
- Renew, Inc.
- Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance (SCCA)
- Southwest Colorado Concerts
- Southwest Health Systems, Inc.
- Students Tackling Unhealthy Decisions (STUD)
- TAILS of Transformation
- The Bridge Emergency Shelter
- The Grief Center of SW Colorado
- The Salvation Army
- Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County
Criteria to apply:

Be a not-for-profit project or organization located in and providing services to Montezuma, Dolores, La Plata, Archuleta or San Juan County, Colorado

Have 501(c)(3) status

Have an organizational structure that demonstrates professionalism and accountability (i.e. a board of directors or similar structure with some kind of governance)

Have well defined goals and a method for evaluating success for the grant activity proposed