Many of our area non-profits have opportunities to get involved. Whether it is employment or volunteer opportunities, visit this page often to stay up to date on these needs in our community.
Employment Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities

Friends of Recreation is a non-profit, volunteer, citizen organization dedicated to raising funds for a healthy community. These include raising money for scholarships to the Cortez Recreation Center for low income families and individuals, sponsorship of a local Pickleball Tournament and sponsorships of camps and wellness activities.
Friends of Recreation has openings for new board members. We are looking for individuals with a broad range of strengths, experience and backgrounds who are interested in having a positive impact on the health of our community.
Click here to apply.
Donation Opportunities

Four Corners Child Advocacy Center: Join quilters, crocheters, seamstresses, and knitters from across the United States in bringing comfort to children in the Four Corners area suffering from abuse. Blankets donated are given to children who receive services from the Center, and the hours spent sewing, quilting, crocheting or knitting are used for a grant match from the Victims of Crime Act. For more information, visit their website or join their Facebook group.
For more information, visit each non-profits' website or Facebook pages, or feel free to contact us here at Onward! and we will forward on your inquiry. CONTACT US