M.B. McAfee


M.B. McAfee is  a retired social worker and educator.  Both careers brought her into contact with diverse populations – children, families, adult men and women, sick and dying folks and elderly people across cultures, ethnicities, and religions.  Eventually she learned her strengths were in advocating for adult men and women with few resources and teaching social work at Colorado State University.  M.B. found avenues and agencies where she could advocate for adults in need and for students to have the means to pursue post-secondary education.

Ms. McAfee's  volunteer work has included a wide range of activities.  She helped start a pre-school, a food co-op, and a hospice organization in Larimer County. She has served on numerous boards of directors and committees including local, regional, and national organizations.  M.B. has been an active advocate for protecting our environment including working with Montezuma Land Conservancy to protect the agricultural and wildlife habitat of our local landscape.  She helped lead the effort to develop the Bridge Emergency Shelter in Cortez.   M.B. has found wonderful satisfaction working with a variety of groups to award scholarships to folks of all ages to earn certificates and degrees.

When she was forty years old she found herself in the road bike racing world; M.B. competed in and around Colorado for the next five years. This was the early days of women racers in America and she had few women with whom to train; however, she found a group of men riders with whom she could ride and they became her teammates and cheerleaders. M.B. had some good years of racing and earned three national medals along the way.

M.B. stated, "I am on the Board of Onward! because I know how a local foundation can serve the community. Scholarships administered by Onward! have had a notable impact on the lives of numerous individuals in Montezuma and Dolores counties.  It is great to be able to offer grants to community organizations to help them further their work. I find it a real pleasure to work with our Executive Director, Chuck Forth, and the rest of the Board of Directors.  I am honored to be a part of this organization."