To further assist the non-profit community, Onward! supports numerous groups and initiatives by being their Fiscal Sponsor. This fiscal sponsorship is an agreement between Onward! and the group/initiative/project which is providing or meeting a community need and requires non-profit recognition.
Once the group is sponsored by Onward!, they are provided the benefits of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and all their financial activity is recorded on the Onward! books. Onward! provides the necessary support so that these groups may pursue their programs or missions, with some of the groups eventually obtaining their own non-profit status.
For more information about Fiscal Funds, please contact us.
School Community Youth Collaborative (SCYC)
Established December 2010
SCYC creates opportunities for youth to build healthy relationships and to engage in their communities through service-learning. Youth gain valuable leadership skills in programs like Teen Maze, Media Ready, and Youth Leadership Council. Visit SCYC's website for information on their activities.
Cortez Panthers Youth Football Fund
Established June 2012
This fund was created to support and supplement the Cortez Panthers Football teams. Cortez Panthers offer youth football to 2nd through 6th-grade students in Cortez, Dolores, and Towaoc.
Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance
Established January 2013
SCCA is a grassroots organization dedicated to maintaining the Conservation Lands in their own "backyard" of Montezuma and Dolores counties in Colorado. The group finds alternative financial aid and volunteer support to care for the precious and delicate landscape of the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. Visit Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance's website for more information.
Montezuma Leadership Network
Established June 2015
This group operates the Leadership Montezuma program. Their mission is to identify, enlighten, and encourage emerging leaders of diverse backgrounds, occupations, and cultures for the purpose of enhancing the quality of leadership in the community. Visit Montezuma Leadership Network's website for more information.
Dolores Playground Group
Established December 2017
This group will raise funds to supplement the Town of Dolores with needs to enhance the playgrounds and further encourage children's cognitive development while giving them a safe place to play. Visit their Facebook Page for more great information.
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project
Established June 2018
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project (MORP) is working to preserve Colorado’s fruit-growing heritage and restore an orchard culture and economy to the southwestern region. MORP envisions southwestern Colorado being renowned for an orchard culture and economy based on the legendary quality and diversity of Montezuma Valley Fruits. Visit MORP's website for more information.
Good Food Collective
Established April 2019
The Good Food Collective works together to build a just and thriving food system in Southwest Colorado. We do this by increasing access to healthy food, supporting farmers, reducing waste, changing policy, and connecting the region. Learn more at their website and Facebook page.
Four Corners Dance Society
Established August 2019
The Society is a group of dance enthusiasts who work to ensure the longevity of access to ballroom, Latin, swing, and other dance opportunities. Stay up to date with the FCDS by following their Facebook page.
Construyendo (formally Herb Hut Free Clinic)
Established September 2019 / November 2021
CPR/Construyendo Poder Retreats was founded in 2018 to meet a need for trauma support for families within the Immigrant community. The program began as a 100% grassroots effort. CPR combined efforts with Herb Hut Free Clinic, a mobile alternative clinic for underserved people in La Plata County. They have worked together and in November 2021 decided to join ideas into an organization that today they call Construyendo. For more information, visit their website or Facebook page.
San Juan Mountain SOLES
Established November 2019
San Juan Mountain SOLES inspires young women to lead healthy, fulfilling lives rooted in big mountains, confident leadership, and authentic community engagement. For more information, visit their website.
D'Voce Community Choir
Established November 2019
D'Voce Community Choir began in 2019 with the vision of bringing Christ-centered music to Montezuma County. Donate to D'Voce here.
DARE to be You
Established January 2020
The DARE to be You program is an evidence-based model program to build strengths in youth by working with them through family, school, and community organizations to reduce problem behaviors such as substance abuse, school dropout, and other risky behaviors. Visit the DARE to be You website for more great information.
Dolores Youth Baseball
Established February 2020
The goal for Dolores Youth Baseball is to bring baseball back to the Dolores Community for the children who attend the Dolores School District in order to learn and grow while playing baseball together.
360 Arts Mosaic
Established March 2020
The mission for 360 Arts Mosaic is to bring together the community in celebration of the creative arts through performance, education, and mentoring. #everybodyteacheseveryonelearns
Ohana Kuleana Community Garden
Established May 2020
Ohana Kuleana Community Garden broke ground in 2013. It sits on a slice of land over an acre in size below the rim of Riverview Elementary School at the intersection of East 30th Street and 6th Avenue, Durango. Ohana Kuleana is a Hawaiian term that means Community Responsibility: we all own each other’s actions. OKCG has 45 garden parcels: six of them are cultivated by schoolchildren under the guidance of their science teacher; the rest are leased to community members for the season (May-October), who pay annual plot fees. Interested in joining the garden, click here.
Four Corners Slow Money
Established August 2020
Through micro and small loans, Four Corner's Slow Money's goal is to build a robust local food economy by giving community farmers, growers, and local food enterprises a leg up in the Four Corners region. Visit their website and Facebook page. To donate to Four Corners Slow Money click here.
Dolores Watershed Resilient Forest Collaborative
Established September 2020
Dolores Watershed Resilient Forest Collaborative (DWRF) promotes forest, community, and watershed resilience through collaboration with a variety of local partners. Visit their website and Instagram page.
20MOONS Dance Theatre
Established December 2020
20MOONS is a collaborative of dancers and musicians, we create multi-media performing arts experiences that shake up perceptions of reality, leading to transformation on the cellular level of individual and collective beings. Visit their website and Facebook page.
A&S Stranded Motorist Fund
Established March 2021
A&S Stranded Motorist fund was set up to help people with their vehicle repair bills. This fund is currently supporting the Colorado Springs area. Visit their website and Facebook page.
LOR Foundation Fiscal Fund
Established June 2021
LOR Foundation provides individuals a source for grant funds to use towards charitable and educational pursuits within Cortez. Have an idea for improving quality of life in Cortez? Start the conversation with our Cortez Community Officer, Nicci Crowley. Visit their website and Facebook page to see what projects are happening.
Cortez Farmers Market - June - October - 109 W. Main St. - Courthouse Parking Lot
Established March 2022
We are a group of independent producers who want to support the local community with locally grown produce, dry beans, eggs, local meats, fresh flowers, local honey, homemade goods, and specialty vendors selling prepared foods, and beverages. Our customers are friends and families in our area who wish to support their local producers to ensure the small producers continue to thrive. For more information visit the market website.
Durango Wild Soul
Established August 2022
Durango Wild Soul's vision is to create a place that fosters children’s ability to stay connected to the divine spark within while rooting deeply into the earth, nature and community. Check out their website to learn more about their roots and big vision.
Cortez BMX
Established September 2022
As a USA BMX sanctioned track Cortez BMX strives to provide a safe, fun, and competitive racing environment. Cortez BMX promotes sportsmanship, leadership, and hard work through a racing atmosphere that values encouragement, accomplishment, and physical activity.
Cortez Pickleball Club
Established October 2022
The mission of the Cortez Pickleball Club is to encourage the growth and development of pickleball in the Cortez area. For more information visit their website.
Cortez Rotary Project Fund
Established November 2022
Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action
MCHS Band Boosters
Established December 2022
The MCHS Band Boosters are an all-volunteer organization comprised of parents and community members who wish to support the band. The boosters provide essential funding and support for the MCHS Band Program throughout the school year.
Seed and Food Security Fund
Established February 2023
The Seed and Food Security Fund's mission is to renew and strengthen communities by stewarding the land and guiding the health of seed, food and people.
For Love and Babes
Established March 2023
For Love and Babes mission is to create a safe place for mothers to gather, share and support one another through deep listening and compassion. For more information visit their website.
Lost Canyon Bike and Skate Park in Dolores, Colorado
Established March 2023
This group will raise funds to add a permanent, low maintenance bike and skate park to Joe Rowell Park in Dolores, Colorado. The park will include a pump track, bike jump lines and a skate park and will serve all age groups of bikers, skaters, and scooters at a safe space that encourages community health & wellness, and personal development.
Heidi Mountains Cooperative
Established August 2023
The Heidi Mountains Cooperative is a scientific field station and relational leadership center that honors science as one way of knowing among many and invests in relational approaches to leadership. It’s where one can explore science and faith, which are both essential to understanding the profound interconnectedness we have with one another and the Earth.
MCHS Drama Boosters
Established November 2023
The MCHS Drama Boosters provide essential funding and support for the MCHS Drama Department throughout the school year to allow them to bring quality theatrical productions to our community and to teach students the arts of performance and design.
Montelores Coalition
Established December 2023
The Montelores Coalition is a Regional Partner to the Colorado Outdoor Partnership (CO-OP), who’s vision is: In 2050, Colorado’s people and economy thrive because of our healthy lands, water, wildlife, and working farms and ranches, accompanied by improved, inclusive outdoor recreation, hunting, and angling opportunities for all. The Colorado Outdoor Partnership works towards this vision using Colorado’s Outdoor Principles, and acknowledges that outdoor recreation and conservation should reflect, respect and value the demographic and cultural diversity of our state. The Montelores Coalition will develop a mission statement that supports the goals of CO-OP and informs the State of Colorado’s emerging State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP).
Squirrel Congress
Established December 2023
Squirrel Congress celebrates local culture by facilitating quirky experiences and productions in order to strengthen our community through partnerships with local businesses and nonprofits. Visit their website.
Cortez Youth Basketball
Established December 2023
Cortez Youth Basketball is a group of volunteers who help middle school aged boys and girls play basketball. They work with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teams that travel to play.
MCHS Track Boosters
Established February 2024
The MCHS Track Boosters provide essential funding and support for the MCHS Track Team to allow kids to participate without additional costs.
Older & Wiser Project
Established May 2024
The Older and Wiser Project is a Public Safety Campaign with the mission to increase the use of Public and Non-Profit Transit Services in Colorado by adults 65 and older. We believe this increase in ridership may result in a decline in the number of traffic fatalities involving drivers 65 and older.
Montezuma County Fair Junior Livestock Committee
Established May 2024
The mission of this group (formerly the Montezuma County 4-H Stakeholders) is to help assist the Montezuma County Fair Board with the livestock portion at the fair.
Southwest Colorado Concerts
Established July 2024
The mission of this group is to present the an annual series of live, world-class, classical and contemporary concerts at a cost broadly affordable to the community. We do this with dedicated volunteers, local financial support, and a partnership with Montezuma-Cortez High School.
STUDents Tackling Unhealthy Decisions
Established October 2024
The mission of this group is for STUDent leaders to convers within our community to prevent substance abuse.
Southwest Community Justice Coalition
Established December 2024
The Southwest Community Justice Coalition works hand in hand with our community providing restorative practices and transformative solutions to address conflict and cycles of harm in order to heal and build relationships and a stronger, safer and more just southwest Colorado.